Thursday, May 1, 2008

The 7 Natural Laws of the Universe

There are 7 indicative nature of the laws of our universe, and they are as follows:
The law of the transmutation of Perpetual * l & 39; energy moves to fitness. * The images do you think of your mind to materialize most often in the results of your life.
The Law of Relativity-* & 39; Nothing is good or bad, that & 39; they are big or small .. . Until & 39; that you bring him something. * Practice realting something to your situation much more serious and is always good.
The Law of vibrations and amusement parks * Everything vibrates, nothing is built. * Awareness of the vibration is regarded as a sensation. Your thoughts, you control your paradigms and vibration (which dictates what you attract). * If you have & 39; not a good feeling to know what you think, then it is & 39; s something pleasant.
The Act polarity * Everything has a counterpart: Hot - cold .. . Up - Down ... Good - bad. * Looking permanently for the good of man & 39; and situations. If you find the person. From people like the compliments and positive ideas in & 39; a header that makes you l & 39; ease. N & 39; forget not a good idea - although vibrations.
The Law of Rhythm * The tide is ... Day after night ... good weather - bad weather. * If you are on a swing down, do not feel bad. Learn about the swings will change and things become increasingly better. There are good times - think them.
The law of cause and effect-* Qu & 39; is it that you are again in & 39; universe. Stock - re-action are the same, and vice versa. * Say good things for everyone, treat everyone with respect and it is coming back. Never concerned about what you want to succeed & quot; focus, what you can give.
The law sex * Everyone has a capital of & 39; boot or pregnancy, period d & 39 ; incubation. The ideas are seeds and spiritual moves in physical form or results. * Achieving your goals, you show if the time has come. Knowing that & 39; it will.
So ... Why am I this? Given that you can use these laws of our universe Untold riches in your life, active in the fields of health, prosperity in the relations (spiritual, familial, personal, l & 39; economy) and financial wealth.
Wallace D. Wattles (l & 39; author of the book title in 1910 & quot; The Science of Getting Rich), we read: The rich & quot; is the result of things a certain d & 39; way. & quot; & 39; C is the greatest truth and I am to my family and friends (including reading). This statement and these laws have already done a lot for me to their usefulness. J & 39;& 39;ve lived aufkl rerisch in the sense that I do not worry over debts. I& 39;ve & 39; No more astranged relations with my family and friends, that I & 39;& 39;ve had both. I will not see more life as & quot; glass half empty & quot; now it is & quot; full & quot;.
I first learned about The Secret by my sister, back in February this year and collected in an Oprah special about it on my birthday this month. The show was very exciting and had & 39; m study Teachers in the program and beginning to read his books. After a few months, I& 39;ve decided that & 39; c & 39; is certainly for me. At the time of my study and research, my son and I & 39;& 39;ve had a fairly tense relationship, and we & 39; have been no more & 39; one more year and a half, and the power of positive thinking and & 39; enforcement of vibration and amusement park in my We were able to live yet to discover and strengthen our relationship. We have now started on this path together.
We are now on MySpace, Facebook and many other social networking sites, similar meetings people, or to & 39; moment for the laws of the universe & 39; their lives, or are interested in learning Like me (and my son) d & 39; use these laws in our daily lives. This site is already paid their value in gold with a real interest and relationships that we build here. We are human beings d & 39; attract and we let it go. We are not unsolicited, we do not want the establishment wherever we & 39; have not been invited. But imagine the & 39; application of this law on your life, abundant and how things are done in & 39; approach situations with the same d & 39; such a way of thinking otherwise. & 39; C is really a broad spirit of re-wiring models for all of your negative thoughts, emotions and energy at & 39; tranquillity and place so that you can control the positive thoughts, emotions and d & 39; energy in the world are beginning to attract anything your heart desires.
By now most people have heard of The Secret and the Law of Attraction, but only very few people know, much less that & 39; they communicate. But I can honestly, because outside, that this way of thinking and acting & 39; is the nature and way of life, which is full, happy, rich, rich life without a doubt we all dreamed d & 39; one point or another. Also ... you do not think that & 39; it is time to begin to realize what you see?
Well ... & 39; What do I want the declaration?
I mean that everything you put in this universe by the power of your thoughts and dreams and & 39; actions, can and will be a focus, if given time. I am quite sure not to say & quot; They will receive, if you wait until & 39; that it & 39; & quot;. But what I say, starting today & 39; d & 39; hui, precisely now, if you start your perspectives. Visualize sitting on the beach or in the rain Forrest, and did not think & quot; Oh, I & 39;& 39;ve no time to & quot; take off or & quot; takes too d & 39; money & quot;, view and recognize that sand may be between your toes, the sea can Lapping at your feet with your eyes closed and the sound of waves on the blackout. N & 39; Is not that your lips moist? I know that it makes me & 39; (l & 39; I personally love the sea and the beach).
All you need, c & 39; is knowledge, and if I can tell you a door on the fact that knowledge, you have to want, you must pass on foot through the door, but I am here for you with this first step. These are my & quot; promises for a fresh life & quot; much promise for me to this day, I will repeat what I already know I & 39;, and encourage & 39; use of these instruments, and the word spread of their use for the People of all ages who are willing to listen. I wish you a gift that m & 39; opened my eyes and concentrate on this journey of growth and personal development ... because & 39; is exactly what this is.
To l & 39; start learning the laws of the nature of the & 39; universe, including the law on vibration and amusement parks, please click here this free gift 7 lessons by e-mail to you, to a non-spam - Format. Each of these lessons is to get the main stage by stage, how to make your mindshift to speak.
To Vast Success, Marcy and Christopher

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