Thursday, May 1, 2008

Chinese Messengers and Delivery

As a business traveler in China, you can not afford to waste time. Unfortunately, even minor tasks such as booking of tickets or the payment of a utility bill can easily eat half a day. You need a way to make these annoying trips on someone else, so that your valuable time, as you want.
Have with bicycle messengers? You can buy train tickets and deliver packages or take the many other services. For an almost embarrassing low fee, there are many companies, sending messengers to take care of your little errands.
Shipping, handling, transportation and China tends to be far cheaper than in the west. This is due to government subsidies and the huge labor pool, which essentially prevents the creation of a minimum wage. Take advantage of this situation and save time, money and frustration.
Also, do not forget to take away food. With no minimum order value and no expectation of the deposition of the delivery person, a hot meal directly to your home can be a real blessing. Even without tip, taxi drivers, waiters, delivery and boys are usually hard-working and conscientious. Be aware, very few restaurants or delivery companies have English speaking staff, it may be necessary to explain your demands on interpreters or guide.
Peter Braden
Build your China office

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